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Open Access Articles

December 7, 2010

Prevention through Design; Ethical Violations; the BendDesk; Ergotron Acquisition

A roundup of ergonomics related news, including NIOSH's new Prevention through Design (PtD) initiative, the BendDesk, a concept design that turns the entire desk and backdrop into a giant, curved touch screen; the resignation of an Ohio Workers Compensation Bureau director over ethics related to an ergonomics service company he owned; thoughts on Nortek's purchase of Ergotron.
December 7, 2010

Nortek to Acquire Ergotron

Nortek, Inc., a diversified global manufacturer of branded residential and commercial ventilation, HVAC and home technology convenience and security products, announced it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Ergotron, Inc., a privately held leader in the design, manufacture and marketing of ergonomic mounting and mobility products for computer monitors, notebooks and flat panel displays.
December 6, 2010

The Effect of Cold Temperatures on Hand/Finger Dexterity

Intuitively, we all know that cold temperatures affect hand and finger dexterity, but by how much? This research exposed 26 participants to cold temperatures to see how gross and fine dexterity are affected, finding as much as a 55% performance reduction after forearm and hand exposure to 11 degree C (52 degree F) temperatures.
November 11, 2010

Today is World Usability Day

Today, 11 November 2010, is World Usability Day. "It's all about making the world work better." Each year, on the second Thursday of November, events are organized in more than 44 countries around the world to raise the public's awareness, and to train professionals in the tools and issues central to good usability research, development and practice.
October 21, 2010

Tea Party Ergonomics; the Meaning of Ergonomic Design

A roundup of recent news including John Dennis, a Republican candidate and Tea Party favorite -- who also has close ties to ergonomics -- and who is running against powerful Democratic incumbent Nancy Pelosi; and a fight over the internet domain address that included debate over the meaning of "ergonomic designs".
October 20, 2010

Making the Business Case for Ergonomics and Safe Patient Handling Programs

If you need to establish an economic case for ergonomics and safe patient handling, this article provides a blue print for doing so. Guest contributor Lynda Enos, courtesy of the Oregon Nurses Association, gives a detailed overview of how to make an effective business case that will result in fully funded and sustainable safety and ergonomics programs in health care facilities.
October 14, 2010

Office Ergonomics: Web-based Training Improves Outcomes

If you've ever been asked to provide ergonomics training and workstation evaluations for hundreds (or thousands) of employees in a call center, you know that one-on-one delivery of ergonomics services has some serious limitations. Guest contributor Gene Kay shares his approach, including the use of online systems.
October 6, 2010

Balls as Chairs; Ergonomic Checkpoints; 18th World Congress on Ergonomics

A roundup of ergonomics topics, including the New York Times on using exercise balls as chairs, the release of the 2nd edition of Ergonomic Checkpoints, an excellent resource for participatory ergonomics, and the 18th World Congress on Ergonomics, to be held in 2012 in Brazil (the week before Carnival!); Global Ergonomics Month; and the 1st FEES Conference.
December 7, 2010

Prevention through Design; Ethical Violations; the BendDesk; Ergotron Acquisition

A roundup of ergonomics related news, including NIOSH's new Prevention through Design (PtD) initiative, the BendDesk, a concept design that turns the entire desk and backdrop into a giant, curved touch screen; the resignation of an Ohio Workers Compensation Bureau director over ethics related to an ergonomics service company he owned; thoughts on Nortek's purchase of Ergotron.
December 7, 2010

Nortek to Acquire Ergotron

Nortek, Inc., a diversified global manufacturer of branded residential and commercial ventilation, HVAC and home technology convenience and security products, announced it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Ergotron, Inc., a privately held leader in the design, manufacture and marketing of ergonomic mounting and mobility products for computer monitors, notebooks and flat panel displays.
December 6, 2010

The Effect of Cold Temperatures on Hand/Finger Dexterity

Intuitively, we all know that cold temperatures affect hand and finger dexterity, but by how much? This research exposed 26 participants to cold temperatures to see how gross and fine dexterity are affected, finding as much as a 55% performance reduction after forearm and hand exposure to 11 degree C (52 degree F) temperatures.
November 11, 2010

Today is World Usability Day

Today, 11 November 2010, is World Usability Day. "It's all about making the world work better." Each year, on the second Thursday of November, events are organized in more than 44 countries around the world to raise the public's awareness, and to train professionals in the tools and issues central to good usability research, development and practice.
October 21, 2010

Tea Party Ergonomics; the Meaning of Ergonomic Design

A roundup of recent news including John Dennis, a Republican candidate and Tea Party favorite -- who also has close ties to ergonomics -- and who is running against powerful Democratic incumbent Nancy Pelosi; and a fight over the internet domain address that included debate over the meaning of "ergonomic designs".
October 20, 2010

Making the Business Case for Ergonomics and Safe Patient Handling Programs

If you need to establish an economic case for ergonomics and safe patient handling, this article provides a blue print for doing so. Guest contributor Lynda Enos, courtesy of the Oregon Nurses Association, gives a detailed overview of how to make an effective business case that will result in fully funded and sustainable safety and ergonomics programs in health care facilities.
October 14, 2010

Office Ergonomics: Web-based Training Improves Outcomes

If you've ever been asked to provide ergonomics training and workstation evaluations for hundreds (or thousands) of employees in a call center, you know that one-on-one delivery of ergonomics services has some serious limitations. Guest contributor Gene Kay shares his approach, including the use of online systems.
October 6, 2010

Balls as Chairs; Ergonomic Checkpoints; 18th World Congress on Ergonomics

A roundup of ergonomics topics, including the New York Times on using exercise balls as chairs, the release of the 2nd edition of Ergonomic Checkpoints, an excellent resource for participatory ergonomics, and the 18th World Congress on Ergonomics, to be held in 2012 in Brazil (the week before Carnival!); Global Ergonomics Month; and the 1st FEES Conference.