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Open Access Articles

May 19, 2010

Is That Ball Ergonomic?

This article explores the challenging question of "what makes something ergonomic," using exercise balls, which are often labeled 'ergonomic' by their promoters, as an example. This series of examples demonstrate that the context of use for an exercise ball, or any other product in question, is critical to the credibility of an ergonomic label.
May 10, 2010

Study: Higher Body Weight Associated with Healthier Lumbar Discs

Contrary to popular opinion, an award winning Finnish investigation challenges the concept that increased compressive force due to higher body weight predisposes an individual to lumbar degenerative disc disease. In a study of monozygotic twins, the twin with a higher body weight and Body Mass Index (BMI) was statically more likely to have healthier lumbar discs.
April 7, 2010

Spanish MSD Study Highlights Challenges in Ergonomics Research

A post-hoc analysis of the 5th Spanish National Survey highlights challenges researchers face when attempting to demonstrate cause-and-effect relationships between work-related risk factors, tasks and injuries. The study found statistically significant relationships between duration of exposure to certain tasks and MSDs, but did it further our understanding, and therefore our ability to intervene?
March 10, 2010

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act is now Taking Effect

A new law is taking effect in the Province of Ontario, Canada: The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act (AODA). The Act is obviously important to public and private sectors in Ontario, but it also serves as a great reference for any business establishing or updating policies regarding disabilities, or any international business pursuing global compliance.
May 19, 2010

Is That Ball Ergonomic?

This article explores the challenging question of "what makes something ergonomic," using exercise balls, which are often labeled 'ergonomic' by their promoters, as an example. This series of examples demonstrate that the context of use for an exercise ball, or any other product in question, is critical to the credibility of an ergonomic label.
May 10, 2010

Study: Higher Body Weight Associated with Healthier Lumbar Discs

Contrary to popular opinion, an award winning Finnish investigation challenges the concept that increased compressive force due to higher body weight predisposes an individual to lumbar degenerative disc disease. In a study of monozygotic twins, the twin with a higher body weight and Body Mass Index (BMI) was statically more likely to have healthier lumbar discs.
April 7, 2010

Spanish MSD Study Highlights Challenges in Ergonomics Research

A post-hoc analysis of the 5th Spanish National Survey highlights challenges researchers face when attempting to demonstrate cause-and-effect relationships between work-related risk factors, tasks and injuries. The study found statistically significant relationships between duration of exposure to certain tasks and MSDs, but did it further our understanding, and therefore our ability to intervene?
March 10, 2010

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act is now Taking Effect

A new law is taking effect in the Province of Ontario, Canada: The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act (AODA). The Act is obviously important to public and private sectors in Ontario, but it also serves as a great reference for any business establishing or updating policies regarding disabilities, or any international business pursuing global compliance.