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Open Access Articles

December 9, 2009

Will the Obama Administration Tackle Ergonomics?

OSHA has begun to change directions since the Obama administration took control. The Ergonomics Report looks at recent developments and OSHA statements, including changes to recordkeeping requirements, increased emphasis on enforcement, and increased attention to the general duty clause. These, along with "stealth" ergonomics-related regulations, suggest ergonomics may once again become political.
November 24, 2009

Macroergonomics and Forever Open Roads

Two European projects are built around the idea that road design is about more than costs and materials. They look to the future, and consider the human factor a key part of the deliberations. The goal of "Forever Open Roads" could be macroergonomics in action.
November 11, 2009

Hedge Explains Role of Ergonomics in LEED’s

LEED certification answers the new focus on sustainability in the construction and property sectors. It has made space for ergonomics in the certificate requirements.
November 4, 2009

Be Careful Gripping That Hammer

How strong is the association between carpal tunnel syndrome and specific occupations? A French study lends support to a workplace public policy.
December 9, 2009

Will the Obama Administration Tackle Ergonomics?

OSHA has begun to change directions since the Obama administration took control. The Ergonomics Report looks at recent developments and OSHA statements, including changes to recordkeeping requirements, increased emphasis on enforcement, and increased attention to the general duty clause. These, along with "stealth" ergonomics-related regulations, suggest ergonomics may once again become political.
November 24, 2009

Macroergonomics and Forever Open Roads

Two European projects are built around the idea that road design is about more than costs and materials. They look to the future, and consider the human factor a key part of the deliberations. The goal of "Forever Open Roads" could be macroergonomics in action.
November 11, 2009

Hedge Explains Role of Ergonomics in LEED’s

LEED certification answers the new focus on sustainability in the construction and property sectors. It has made space for ergonomics in the certificate requirements.
November 4, 2009

Be Careful Gripping That Hammer

How strong is the association between carpal tunnel syndrome and specific occupations? A French study lends support to a workplace public policy.