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Open Access Articles

February 1, 2010

Study Identifies Association Between Certain Work Activities and Osteoarthritis

A large cross sectional study identifies certain common work activities as contributing to osteoarthritis (OA) at several body regions. Among the findings, significantly increases in knee OA risk where seen for jolting and stair climbing for men, and standing on a rigid surface for more than two hours a day for woman.
January 25, 2010

Is It Dangerous — Even Deadly — To Sit Too Much?

Ergoweb's Peter Budnick takes a closer look at a recent British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM) editorial that has spawned international headlines like "sitting too much may be deadly". Is sitting really that bad, or has this editorial been misinterpreted, over-interpreted or over-blown? This article takes a deeper look at the research editorial and how it applies to ergonomics.
February 1, 2010

Study Identifies Association Between Certain Work Activities and Osteoarthritis

A large cross sectional study identifies certain common work activities as contributing to osteoarthritis (OA) at several body regions. Among the findings, significantly increases in knee OA risk where seen for jolting and stair climbing for men, and standing on a rigid surface for more than two hours a day for woman.
January 25, 2010

Is It Dangerous — Even Deadly — To Sit Too Much?

Ergoweb's Peter Budnick takes a closer look at a recent British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM) editorial that has spawned international headlines like "sitting too much may be deadly". Is sitting really that bad, or has this editorial been misinterpreted, over-interpreted or over-blown? This article takes a deeper look at the research editorial and how it applies to ergonomics.