From The Ergoweb® Learning Center

45 More Days to Get Your Two Cents In

After receiving several requests to extend the comment period for OSHA’s retail grocery ergonomics guidelines, OSHA has bumped the deadline to August 18, 2003, adding 45 days to the original comment period.

The grocery guidelines, OSHA’s second attempt at creating industry-specific, voluntary ergonomic guidelines, are currently available on-line at Comments on the guidelines may be mailed in triplicate to OSHA, faxed if under 10 pages, or submitted electronically to

OSHA has also scheduled a public stakeholder meeting for September 18, 2003, in Washington, D.C. Persons interested in attending the stakeholder meeting should contact OSHA electronically at

OSHA has also released a draft of its poultry processing industry ergonomics guidelines, available for comment through August 4, 2003. Currently, no extension period has been announced.

For a more in-depth look at ergonomics in the retail grocery industry, see the July, 2003 issue of The Ergonomics Report.