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Open Access Articles

December 19, 2013

Workstation knowledgebase

Fixtures: bench top backstop pins cradle quick release powered clamps tiltable fixture ball joints rotating   Fixtures: free-standing shop stands positioner stands pedestals trunnions work positioner […]
December 18, 2013

Material handling knowledgebase

Pallet and container lifts fixed height spring-loaded floor flush overhead portable turntable manual pump   Conveyors standard belt and roller flexible multidirectional inclined overhead auger/screw air […]
December 11, 2013

Reliability of Postural Observations in Ergonomic Assessments

This is important research for anyone who performs observational postural assessments. Researchers Bao, Howard, Spielholz, Silverstein, and Polissar conducted a study designed to investigate interrater reliability -- the ability of different observers/assessors to reach the same conclusions when visually estimating posture. Their results indicate that the nature of the assessment tool, large angle categories vs. small angle categories in particular, and the experience and training of the assessor can have significant impacts on reliability.
November 5, 2013

The Effect of Key Spacing on Typing Speed, Error, Usability and Biomechanics

A team of researchers studied various center-to-center key spacing on computer keyboards to investigate whether current keyboard design standards are conducive to typing performance (speed, error rates), usability, and forearm biomechanics. Current keyboard design standards, oddly, are not based on human performance data, and this study is one of the few that takes a human-centered ergonomics approach to the ubiquitous computer keyboard. Their findings will impact future keyboard design standards, and bring credibility to the phrase "I fat-fingered it," a common explanation for keyboard related errors. Could this study also begin to lay a foundation for different sized keyboards for different sized people?
November 4, 2013

Webinar: Making the Case for Ergonomics and Where It Stands in Mobile Technology

Register for the complimentary webinar Making the Case for Ergonomics and Where It Stands in Mobile Technology and hear from experts with years of industry and research experience. Join valuable discussions of the […]
September 24, 2013

Ergoweb Management to Speak at Upcoming Conferences

Peter Budnick, PhD, CPE, Ergoweb's Co-Founder and CEO, and Gene Kay, MS, CEA, President, ErgoAdvocate LLC (a division of Ergoweb), will speak at several conferences over the next week. Peter will participate in Globalization of Ergonomics, a panel session taking place at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. Gene will speak at the 2013 Midwest Regional Occupational Health Conference and participate in a panel discussion at the Minnesota State Agency - Safety & Loss Control Conference.
September 13, 2013

Time and Physical Demands Analysis

  By Dan MacLeod CPE June 19, 2007 Overview Time and Physical Demands Analysis combines biomechanics with time study, which provides a very practical approach to […]
September 6, 2013


Walking/Working/Standing Surfaces Instinctive use of cardboard to gain cushioning Background The human body does not tolerate standing on hard surfaces well. The most direct effect is […]
September 6, 2013


Poor chair Makeshift lumbar support Principles affected Posture Fatigue Pressure points Clearance Movement Related pages Workstations: Sit-stand Flooring Platforms Foot rests Background The problems with sitting […]
September 6, 2013

Sit/Stand Workstations

It is best to alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day There is no single posture that is correct for a full workday. The body […]
September 6, 2013


Inadequate knee clearance creates twist Inadequate lower leg clearance creates long reach Background Occasionally, workstations are set up without consideration for leg and knee clearance. As […]
September 6, 2013

Arm Supports and Cushions

Cushioning Table edge cushioning Small benchtop cushions Box used as arm support Foam pad brought from home Principles affected Posture Fatigue Pressure points Related pages Workstations: […]
September 6, 2013

Standing Platforms

Adjustable stands on meat processing line Principles affected Posture Height Related pages Material handling (height adjustable) Lifts Carts Containers Workstations Adjustable height workstation Flooring Maintenance High […]
September 6, 2013

Slanted work surface

Horizontal: More difficult to perform work, increased strain on back Slanted: easier, faster, less strain on back Principles affected Posture Reach Height Fatigue Related pages Workstations: […]
September 6, 2013

Workstation Surface Material

Glare Clearance Principles affected Posture Force Clearance Environment (lighting) Related pages Workstations Parts handling Lighting Material handling Slides Background Depending on the task and the conditions in […]
September 6, 2013

Worksurface Size

Long reach from excessively large work surface Large work surfaces attract clutter Principles affected Posture Reach Motions Related pages Workstations: Free-standing fixtures Workstation storage Parts handling […]