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Open Access Articles

December 20, 2013

The maintenance shop

Topics Workbench height Storage Chairs/creepers Tilters and trunnions Adjustable height Background Normally, the workbenches and machines in maintenance shops are not used with the same repetitiveness […]
December 20, 2013

Ease-of-maintenance knowledgebase

Access panels importance doors, hinges, and quick releases arms wheels   Access platforms decks and catwalks permanent step platforms  scaffolding movable platforms   High work platforms […]
December 20, 2013

Machine-operator knowledgebase

This category refers to production machines of all types, but with particular emphasis on metalworking machine tools. The category includes both large stand-alone machines as well […]
December 20, 2013

Hand tools knowledgebase

Grip design diameter precision vs. power length friction surface grip angle pressure points   Weight and balance pros and cons center of gravity   Tool control […]
December 20, 2013

Block and Paver Lifts

Several unique devices have been developed for handling blocks and pavers. These devices may also be suitable for other types of loads in general industry. Hand […]
December 20, 2013

Vacuum Hoists

Before: Difficult despite two people After: Easier with just one person Background Vacuum technology has developed dramatically in recent years, providing a good option for many […]
December 20, 2013

Picking – Bins

Background Bins are similar to racks, but hold smaller items, often picked individually and not by the carton. Usually the items in bins are not as heavy […]
December 20, 2013


Issues and Options Pallets Only one pallet   Flow racks Stocking a flow rack
December 19, 2013

Production Ergonomics

Your “How-To” Guides & Best Practices Knowledgebase Thousands of examples and descriptive overviews for improving production operations. Browse the categories, read the “how to” guides, and […]
September 6, 2013

Pallet and Container Lifts

Bending down to pallets and into containers Principles affected Posture Force Reach Height Related pages Material handling Hoists Carts Tilters Containers Pallets Lifter-transporters Background Bending down […]
September 6, 2013

Assembly of Large Metal Cabinets

High reach Low bend Principles affected Posture Reach Height Clearance Related pages Material Handling Lifts Carts Air casters Wheels Slides Hoistes Workstations Work area storage Work […]
September 6, 2013

Stretch wrap

  Problem: Bending for manual stretch wrap Low-cost solution: Homemade broom handle Principles affected Posture Related pages Workstations Packing Taping/labling Background Manual wrapping typically involves bending […]
September 6, 2013

Tape and Label Dispensers

Stopping work to peel a label  Housekeeping Principles affected Force Motions Related pages Workstations Packing stations Background Peeling from rolls of labels can: require stopping productive […]
September 6, 2013

Packing Stations

Wasted effort: Box at same level as materials Wasted effort: Materials lower than bags Principles affected Force Height Motions Related pages Workstations Label/tape dispensers Stretch wrap […]
September 6, 2013

Conveyors as workstations

Work is often performed directly on conveyors Principles affected All Related pages All Background Conveyors can serve as the foundation for a workstation equivalent to a […]
September 6, 2013

Temperature Control

Temperature extremes Principles affected Fatigue (metabolic load) Environment Background Human performance decreases when working in hot and cold environments. In broad terms, the ideal temperature is about […]
September 6, 2013


Double handling Cross-body reach Principles affected All Related pages Workstations Storage Surface size Parts handling Background Layout issues can be considered on two levels: Between workstations […]
September 6, 2013

Footrests — Sitting or Standing

Pressure points behind the knees Instinctive need for any type of change in position Principles affected Posture Fatigue Pressure points Related pages Workstations: Seating Flooring Sit/Stand […]