Ergoweb® Learning Center

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Open Access Articles

October 10, 2019

Leveraging Ergonomic Design Guidelines

Effective ergonomics processes emphasize both improvement and prevention – reducing ergonomics risks in existing operations while ensuring the ergonomics acceptability of new products and equipment.  Ergonomic […]
September 26, 2019

Why Standardize Your Workplace Ergonomics Assessment Tools?

Successful ergonomics improvement programs include at least these 4 steps: Identifying Potential Ergonomics Issues Ergonomics Assessment Tools Controlling Ergonomics Risks Cost Justifying Ergonomic Improvements If your […]
February 1, 2006

Office Chairs, Low Back Pain and Ergonomics

Despite increased awareness of workplace ergonomics, a recent poll shows that people with desk jobs still have more back pain after a day in their office chairs.
February 1, 2006

Industry and Research Updates

Ian Noy to replace Tom Leamon at Liberty Mutual; Cost of Absenteeism and Presenteeism Underestimated; Cell Phones Given Clean Bill of Health; Study Finds Link Between Work Stress and Heart Disease-Diabetes Syndrome