Ergoweb® Learning Center

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Open Access Articles

October 10, 2019

Leveraging Ergonomic Design Guidelines

Effective ergonomics processes emphasize both improvement and prevention – reducing ergonomics risks in existing operations while ensuring the ergonomics acceptability of new products and equipment.  Ergonomic […]
September 26, 2019

Why Standardize Your Workplace Ergonomics Assessment Tools?

Successful ergonomics improvement programs include at least these 4 steps: Identifying Potential Ergonomics Issues Ergonomics Assessment Tools Controlling Ergonomics Risks Cost Justifying Ergonomic Improvements If your […]
September 3, 2003

How Does the Insurer See Back Pain?

As California looks to reform its state's worker's compensation programs, Ergoweb takes a look at how one costly type of injury adds up for the insurer.
September 1, 2003

Refocusing Back Pain

For every five people who read this article, four of them will do it with back pain. And there's not a lot ergonomics can do to stop it.
September 1, 2003

Does Proper Lifting Really Exist?

In a perfect world, nothing would have to be lifted at the workplace, no strain from lifting would ever be placed on a worker's back and back-related worker's comp claims just wouldn't have to exist. But this is anything but a perfect world
September 1, 2003

Can Sleeping Be the Enemy?

Experts agree: without a good night's sleep, productivity and accuracy suffer. So what happens when the way a person sleeps becomes a source of pain?