From The Ergoweb® Learning Center

Thomas R. Waters Memorial Ergonomics Scholarship

Peter Budnick

Last Fall we observed the untimely death of Thomas (“Tom”) Waters, a man who made significant contributions to our understanding of risk related manual material handling tasks, including the NIOSH Lifting Equation. We’re now pleased to report this opportunity to honor Tom’s legacy by supporting a new ergonomics scholarship memorializing his contributions, the Thomas R. Waters Memorial Scholarship for Ergonomics Research.

According to the sponsoring organization, the CDC Foundation, an independent nonprofit foundation established by the USA Congress, “this fund will continue to support the community of individuals trained in human factors or ergonomics with a focus on occupational safety and health. This memorial fund will annually provide a partial scholarship, the amount to be based on fund resources, to be awarded singularly to either a junior, senior, or graduate-level student conducting research in [ergonomics and human factors].”

“Dr. Waters retired from CDC’s National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) at the end of 2012, after a distinguished 24-year career in the field of occupational safety and health. His influential research on assessing the biomechanical demands of occupational lifting and manual material handling is internationally recognized. The broad impact of his research stretched across all industries and is particularly relevant to agriculture, manufacturing and healthcare.”

“A steadfast advocate for education, Dr. Waters frequently hosted numerous visiting scientists and international collaborators, as well as teaching individuals, academics, government organizations and worker groups about his research both domestically and internationally. Throughout his career, Dr. Waters attracted many recent graduates and new researchers into his program at CDC—mentoring and encouraging them to become life-long advocates for occupational safety and health.”

We urge you to contribute or learn more about this scholarship by visiting the web site today.
