From The Ergoweb® Learning Center

Ergonomics- Quality Control Inspection

Task Prior to Abatement (Description)

Workers had to inspect products for quality controls by leaning forward over a conveyor. The work was active and required changing from one task and workstation to another throughout the day in order to prevent repetitive motion disorders.

Task Prior to Abatement (Method Which Identified Hazard)

Medical case of foot injury which required surgery. Worker could no longer stand on her feet for an eight hour shift. Worker also began suffering back pain from extensive limping.

Ergonomic Risk Factor (Posture)

Leaning forward was required to perform the task

Ergonomic Risk Factor (Repetition)

High repetitive motions were required to perform the task.

Ergonomic Solution (Administrative Controls)

  1. Job rotation was provided to avoid repetitive motion disorders.

Ergonomic Solution (Engineering Controls)

  1. Providing a sit/stand with a negative tilt back in a backward position to prevent back pain by allowing the worker to lean forward.

Ergonomic Solution (Benefits)

  • All workers that perform this task now have reduced exposure to foot and back injury risk factors.
  • Reduction in workers’ compensation costs.
  • Avoiding the cost of retraining which would have been over $22,000.

Ergonomic Solution (Cost)

Approximate cost of sit/stands was about $1,300.

Ergonomic Solution (Method Which Verified Effectiveness)

Performing the task by worker without further foot and back injuries.


This case study is an example of how ergonomics interventions can be far less expensive for the employer and allow the employee to continue to earn a higher wage with excellent benefits.