The Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety announced on August 13 that it has reorganized its operation into four research centers to address emerging needs in occupational injury prevention. Two of the centers are new, and the Institute has brought in two prominent ergonomists to head them.
As director of the new Center for Physical Ergonomics, Nils Fallentin, Ph.D., will explore new approaches to understanding physiological and biomechanical mechanisms of injury. The unit “will improve the Research Institute’s understanding of workplace exposures," according to the news release, "such as manual materials handling and slips, trips and falls." It notes that these problems account for about half of the total burden of serious injuries. Dr. Fallentin joins the Research Institute from the National Research Centre for the Working Environment in Copenhagen, Denmark. He holds a M.Sc. from the Department of Exercise and Sports Sciences and a Ph.D. in Human Physiology from the August Krogh Institute – both located at the University of Copenhagen.
As head of the new Center for Behavioral Sciences, Marvin Dainoff, Ph.D., CPE, will direct research focusing on the behavioral, cognitive and organizational factors underlying workplace injuries and highway collisions. The Center’s research will look at topics in risk communication, organizational safety climate, alternative work systems and driver performance. Dr. Dainoff joins the Research Institute from Miami University, Ohio, where he has been a professor of psychology, founding director of the Center for Ergonomic Research, and currently holds the position of Professor Emeritus. He received both his B.A. and Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Rochester. Dr. Danioff is a past president of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, and is currently serving as director on the Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics.
"Together with the two existing Centers for Epidemiology and Disability Research, these two new Centers will enhance our research capability and impact,” said Dr. Ian Noy, director of the Research Institute. “While our mission remains the same, Nils and Marvin will play a critical role in developing new capacity and programs that will take us into the future."
Source: Liberty Mutual Group