Here’s a list of ergonomics standards, guidelines, regulations and compliance resources. It was last updated on January 29, 2020. The list is comprehensive, but we’ve surely missed resources that could be included. The links are to external sites, and Ergoweb cannot guarantee the accuracy or reliability of content, or its suitability for use. If you have suggestions for additional resources to add to this list, please email us at info@ergoweb.com.
Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011, Part 4.2 Hazardous manual tasks
Norma Regulamentadora Nº 17 – Ergonomia (Regulatory Standard No. 17 – Ergonomics)
Canada: Canadian Standards Institute (CSA)
Z1004-12 (R2017): Workplace ergonomics – A management and implementation Standard
Z412-17: Office ergonomics — An application standard for workplace ergonomics
Canada: Government of Canada CCOHS
Canada CCOHS: Hazards, Ergonomic: Lifting, pushing, pulling
Canada CCOHS: Lighting
Canada CCOHS: Hazards, Ergonomic: Office
Canada CCOHS: Hazards, Ergonomic: Sitting, standing, …
Canada CCOHS: Hazards, Ergonomic: Slips, trips and falls
Canada CCOHS: Hazards, Ergonomic: Shiftwork
Canada CCOHS: Hazards, Ergonomic: Tools
Canada CCOHS: Hazards, Ergonomic: Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs)
Canada CCOHS: Keyword search for ergonomics (multiple resources)
Canada: MSD Prevention Guideline for Ontario
MSDPrevention.com, developed and hosted by Centre of Research Expertise for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders (CRE-MSD): MSD Prevention Guideline for Ontario
European Agency for Safety & Health at Work (EU-OSHA)
EU-OSHA: Provisions on workload, ergonomic and psychosocial risks
EU-OSHA: Musculoskeletal disorders
EU-OSHA: Psychosocial risks and stress at work
EU-OSHA: Ergonomics-Related Directives (multiple directives)
EU-OSHA: Ergonomics-Related Guidelines (multiple guidelines)
EU-OSHA: Ergonomics-Related Publications (multiple publications)
European Committee for Standardization — CEN
CEN/TC 122 – Ergonomics (multi-part standard)
International / Global
International Organization for Standardization (ISO): ISO 6385:2016, Ergonomics principles in the design of work systems
International Organization for Standardization (ISO): ISO 26800:2011, Ergonomics — General approach, principles and concepts
International Organization for Standardization (ISO): ISO 45001:2018, Occupational Health And Safety Management Systems – Requirements With Guidance For Use
Mexican Standard NOM-036-1-STPS-2018, Ergonomic Risk Factors at Work-Identification, analysis, prevention and control.
Singapore Standard 514: 2016 SS 514 : 2016 Code of practice for office ergonomics
South Africa
Occupational Health And Safety Act, 1993, Ergonomics Regulations, 2019
SIS — Swedish Institute for Standards: Ergonomics (multiple standards)
United Kingdom (UK)
Health and Safety Executive (HSE): Working safely with display screen equipment (DSE)
Health and Safety Executive (HSE): Legislation covering MSDs
Health and Safety Executive (HSE): Musculoskeletal Disorders Guidance and research (multiple documents)
USA: Americans with Disabilities Act
ADA.gov Information and Technical Assistance
USA: American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
ANSI: General Ergonomics Standards (multiple listings, including international)
ANSI: Office Ergonomics Standards (multiple listings, including international)
ANSI: Vehicle Ergonomics Standards (multiple listings, including international)
ANSI: Thermal Ergonomics Standards (multiple listings, including international)
ANSI: Machine Ergonomics Standards (multiple listings, including international)
ANSI: Human System Interaction Ergonomics Standards (multiple listings, including international)
ANSI: Control Center Ergonomics Standards (multiple listings, including international)
ANSI: Accessibility Ergonomics Standards (multiple listings, including international)
ANSI: Software Ergonomics Standards (multiple listings, including international)
ANSI: Hand Held Tool Ergonomics Standards (multiple listings, including international)
USA: ASTM International
ASTM Committee F48 on Exoskeletons and Exosuits
USA: BIFMA — Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association
BIFMA G1 – 2013 Ergonomics Guideline
USA: CPWR — Center for Construction Research and Training
Construction Ergonomic Research & Solutions
USA: Department of Defense
Human Engineering: MIL-STD-1472G
USA: Department of Energy (DOE)
DOE-HDBK-1140-2001: Human Factors/Ergonomics Handbook for the Design for the Ease of Maintenance
USA: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Human Factors Design Standard, HF-STD-001
OSHA Ergonomics Standards and Enforcement FAQs
OSHA Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders
OSHA and the Timber Products Manufacturers Association Sample Ergonomics Program for a Company
OSHA Ergonomic Hazard Alert Letter Follow-up Policy
OSHA Ergonomics in the Baking Industry
OSHA eTool: Solutions for Baggage Handling
OSHA eTool: Beverage Delivery
OSHA eTool: Computer Workstations
OSHA eTool: Solutions for Electrical Contractors
OSHA eTool: Grocery Warehousing
OSHA eTool: Ergonomics in the Printing Industry
OSHA eTool: Sewing
OSHA Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders
NIOSH: Elements of Ergonomics Programs
NIOSH: Ergonomics and Musculoskeletal Disorders
NIOSH: Ergonomic Interventions for the Soft Drink Beverage Delivery Industry
NIOSH: Ergonomic Solutions for Retailers
NIOSH: Participatory ergonomic interventions in meatpacking plants.
NIOSH: Safe Lifting and Movement of Nursing Home Residents
NIOSH: Preventing Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in Sonography
NIOSH: Safe Patient Handling Training for Schools of Nursing
NIOSH: Hazard Review: Occupational Hazards in Home Healthcare
NIOSH: Controlling the Ergonomic Hazards of Wiring Tasks for Household Appliances
NIOSH: Simple solutions: ergonomics for construction workers
NIOSH: Simple Solutions for Home Building Workers
NIOSH: Development and evaluation of ergonomic interventions for bucket handling on farms
NIOSH: Simple Solutions: Ergonomics for Farm Workers
NIOSH: Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders for Children and Adolescents Working in Agriculture
SEMI S8 – Safety Guideline for Ergonomics Engineering of Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment
USA: State of California
California Regulation: Article 106. Ergonomics. §5110. Repetitive Motion Injuries.
California Regulation: Article 106. Ergonomics. §5120. Health Care Worker Back and Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention.
Cal/OSHA: A Back Injury Prevention Guide for Health Care Providers
Cal/OSHA: Easy Ergonomics
Cal/OSHA: Ergonomics in Action: A Guide to Best Practices for the Food-Processing Industry
Cal/OSHA: Easy Ergonomics For Desktop Computer Users
Cal/OSHA: Sample Written Ergonomics Program
USA: State of Washington
Washington LNI: Ergonomics Process (multiple resources)