Applied Ergo Conference celebrates 15th year
GOErgo’s 15th annual Applied Ergonomics Conference and Expo 2012 is right around the corner, as ergo and human factors professionals worldwide are planning to show off and learn how they have ensured safety in manufacturing, healthcare, government, energy and other industries.

Eight tracks will address the latest issues in ergonomics and human factors, including product design and evaluation, policies and auditing, applied research and office ergonomics. Attendees could earn up to 1.6 continuing education units (CEUs). Pre-conference workshops will cover ergo basics, ergo with lean and Six Sigma, helping staff return to work after musculoskeletal disorders and program management.
As usual, the highlight will be the annual Ergo Cup competition. And for the second year GOErgo will present the Creativeness in Ergonomics Practitioner of the Year and Student of the Year awards.
Ergoweb has negotiated a $100 discount for Ergoweb Community members. When you register, check the "Conference Partner" box and enter the code AEC12. We hope to see you there!
For more details, visit
Reprinted with permission from the January 2012 issue of Industrial Engineer magazine, ©2012 Institute of Industrial Engineers