It’s always interesting to us to learn what news and discussion content becomes the most popular, or at least the most read. After all was said and done in 2010, here are the top five results for Ergonomics Today™ articles and the Ergoweb Forums 2010. (Note: these are not the most popular articles and pages on the site for the year 2010, just the top new articles and ongoing discussions. The most popular articles and content of all time is the subject for another article.)
Top 2010 Ergonomics Today Articles Published in 2010
A roundup of ergonomics topics, including the New York Times on using exercise balls as chairs, the release of the 2nd edition of Ergonomic Checkpoints, an excellent resource for participatory ergonomics, and the 18th World Congress on Ergonomics, to be held in 2012 in Brazil (the week before Carnival!); Global Ergonomics Month; and the 1st FEES Conference. [7 Reader Responses as of 6 Jan 2011]
Sit-to-Stand workstations for computer work are growing in popularity for many reasons, driving down cost and stimulating innovation. This article reviews key features to consider for sit-to-stand workstation design and provides examples of the current state-of-the-art options in the marketplace. [3 Reader Responses …]
Guest contributor Ian Chong writes: "’Ergonomically Designed’ is something of a misnomer these days. No, let me rephrase that, it is an oxymoron. It has now become solely a marketing term, brainwashing both public and professionals as end users. Too many times I’ve seen a product labeled ‘ergonomically designed’ when it clearly isn’t — nor has it ever been — nor should it ever be." [10 Reader Responses …]
A summary of ergonomics in the news, including the negative effects of 12 hour nursing shifts on nurses and patients, a pharmacist’s perspective on ergonomics, or the lack thereof, in pharmacies, research on older workers, and the ergonomics of multi-touch interfaces like the iPad.
Guest contributor Jill Kelby reviews a tragic patient handling accident, using it as a compelling vehicle to understand obesity and other challenges that care facilities face when handling and caring for patients: "…we can’t engineer out the humans in SPH. There will always be some amount of error. The goal in SPH needs to become how to get that error rate as close to zero as possible."
Top 2010 Ergoweb Forums Content
- Industry standard for Desk Height
The desk height standard used by our vendor (in California) for installing workstations has been lowered from 29 1/2 " to 28 1/2". Should this be a concern to me? …[4 Responses as of 6 Jan 2012]
I am a Labor and Delivery nurse in Florida. My "mission’ is to get the carpeting out of our perinatal unit. The labor and post partum beds are heavy. The average patient is now 250 lbs and up…[16 Responses …]
How do you correctly position a computer monitor for a person wearing tri-focals? I have a collegue recently got trifocals and is now who is complaining about neck pain as they …[25 Responses …]
- Office lighting solutions for migraines and seizures
I have a client with a call center office environment with very limited natural light. Several employees suffer from migraine headaches and one has a seizure disorder …[9 Responses …]
- When consider repetitif work?
I would like to know when consider a work as repetitif. There is some concenus around this subject? … [11 Responses …]
Happy 2011 to you all. If you have suggestions or ideas for topics we should cover, or if you would like to contribute an article(s) for publication, please contact