From The Ergoweb® Learning Center

ASSE Statement Concerning the Federal Ergonomics Standard

News Release from ASSE President Samuel J. Gualardo, CSP
DES PLAINES, IL (March 16, 2001) — – Although the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) ergonomics standard was overturned by Congress, the American Society of Safety Engineers’ (ASSE) members, working with their employers, employees, clients, associates, and other safety professionals, will continue to look at ergonomics in the workplace.

The members of ASSE know that effective ergonomic programs are a significant plus to any company or organization. We are dedicated to enhancing safety in the workplace and are committed to showing that effective overall safety and health programs, including ergonomics, will positively impact an organization’s bottom-line.

ASSE looks forward to working with Labor Secretary Elaine Chao, Congress, OSHA and all interested parties to craft a new regulation that will carefully protect workers without adding unnecessary regulatory requirements.

We hope good public policy, science, and sound technology will drive the process. As for the standard that was overturned, ASSE commented extensively on the original OSHA proposals, the working drafts, and the rule proposed in the Federal Register. Our comments were based on a widespread member consensus, and we are confident they represent good science and sound technology. Those materials can be used as guidance documents for the public policy making process.

Also, ASSE was the only professional group in the U.S. that offered a counter proposal draft standard to OSHA. Although it was a draft, we believe it was a good starting point for OSHA to review as they developed a final proposed rule.

ASSE is the oldest and largest society of safety professionals in the world. Founded in 1911, ASSE represents 32,000 members including Certified Safety Professionals, Certified Industrial Hygienists, Professional Engineers, Ergonomists, Academicians, Fire Protection Engineers, System Safety Experts, Health Professionals, Transportation Specialists, and a wide collection of other disciplines, skills and backgrounds. For more information on ASSE and its comments on the federal ergonomic standards check ASSE’s web site at under government affairs.